Qixi 七夕: a photo post

Today my aunt took me to Zhu Village (珠村) to look at the Qixi festivities. We saw it covered on TV. Jim had also advised me to see Zhu Village during Qixi, but my cousin (表妹) said I shouldn’t go on the 9th because that’s when everyone will go, and it will be super crowded. So we went this weekend.


We prayed at each temple.

The decorations at the altars of the gods were delicate and pretty.

Traditionally, girls make super delicate and intricate works of art that involve threading to present to temple gods and goddesses. It’s a ritual for showing off their domestic skills as well as to offer something for the gods and goddesses to send them happiness in the form of a good marriage life…

Well, this is what I read on Wikipedia. I miss everyone back at Cangdong. Their Chinese culture lessons are so much better than Wikipedia.

Some ladies were working on some more decorations to sell as souvenirs. I bought three little frogs from a grandma.


I feel so lucky to come here at this time.

I saw so many different renditions of the cowherd and the weaver girl meeting on the bridge of magpies.

It felt kind of hopeful, kind of mysterious. Niu lang (牛郎) and Zhi nu  (织女) were in love and happy together for a time before they had to get torn apart, and then cruelly separated forever. They only get to meet once a year. And yet in these art works, they get to meet again, and again, and again.

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