
As Nana and I were biking back home into Tangkou village, we passed by aunties harvesting peanuts. One of them recognized Nana, who talked to her back when she was planting them. Nana is really good about chatting with everybody, and it helps that she has great command over Mandarin and the Kaiping dialect. The farmers drying grains at Liyuan spoke Mandarin because they immigrated here from the north.

This auntie gave Nana a bunch of peanuts! She came and strapped it all to Nana’s bike rack. Nana offered to help the auntie plow her field but the auntie said she doesn’t need her to plow her fields, she knows how to do it herself.

Here’s Nana riding further into the village with the bunch of freshly picked peanuts strapped to her bike rack. A dog is staring at her. There are lots of dogs around here.

When we got home, we picked the peanuts off the plants and washed them before we ate dinner. Grandpa Deng boiled them for us to snack on later. I was bitten twice more by mosquitoes tonight. After this summer, the sight of small black spindly bugs that fly around will trigger me.

Fresh peanuts for a late night snack!

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